Government is offering employers £3,000 for every apprentice they employer before 31 March. This a massive statement about how apprenticeships are key to our recovery from COVID–19. As the unprecedented furlough scheme starts to wind–up, it has set its sights on taking apprenticeships from side show to centre–stage.
Companies tell us that apprenticeships are part of their future talent strategy. Whether its IT, engineering, construction, manufacturing, food tech, cyber security or fintech, more and more employers see that moulding talent from within is often better than bringing in graduates.
We’ve met apprentices of all ages: some re–training later in life, some straight from school. What’s clear is that they want the buzz of getting up in the morning with a purpose and doing something with their hands and their mind, rather than just going to lectures as a student. Yes, sure, they want to continue their education but they can do it a smarter way. As an apprentice they get the same course or degree as other students but they get it for free! Along with a nice pay packet at the end of the month, meeting new people and getting new experiences that will change their lives – it’s a pretty sweet deal all round.
So, government has made a massive offer to employers both to help retain existing and recruit new apprentices. Despite the current uncertainty in many industries, companies will only recover with people at the heart. No–one wants to see talented people paid Universal Credit. There is a new generation of aspiring apprentices ready and waiting. It’s time for employers to change their business and change a life.
Find out more about how employing an apprentice can change your business for the better.